Bedre Dansk
2018-01-01 / DK
Undervisningsministeriet, Allan Madsen

Danish Pronunciation Training
"Bedre Dansk" is an app designed for Danish language schools. It offers users individual training in Danish pronunciation and has received support from "The Danish Ministry of Education". DearStudio was responsible for UI/UX design and project management of the app. The app was developed for Allan Madsen / in collaboration with Alis Bruun from and
With "Bedre Dansk," users can improve their Danish language skills by listening to words and phrases while receiving direct feedback on their pronunciation. New words and sentences can be easily added to the app to cater to individual user needs.
Bedre Dansk is a free app available for both Android and iOS devices.
Our focus is on the users! "Bedre Dansk" was developed in close collaboration with three language schools in Denmark. The prototyping phase allowed us to continually test and learn from users throughout the development process. We take pride in assisting our new fellow citizens with the challenges of the Danish language :-)